New Solutions – Connected Worker Software2021-12-05T22:37:31+01:00

# 1 Connected Worker Platform

Management is responsibility. The protection of your people, the environment and the company is becoming increasingly important.

Now there is easy-to-use software for more security and compliance in your company.

Connected Worker Plattform

Used by > 1,000 plants worldwide


Shift books


Schichtbücher, Brückenbücher, Anweisungen und Infotafeln mit Echtzeit-Maschinendaten.

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Checklists and workflows


Checklisten selbst erstellen und per App ausrollen.

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Personnel planning & skill management


Schichtplanung mit SAP Schnittstelle. Skill­management. Vario-Schichten, Schichtwechsel, Mehrarbeit­erfassung, Urlaubsanträge.

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Asset and service management


Prozess­steuerung, Betriebsmittel­management, Wartungspläne, Objekt­management, Asset­management, Ticketing, Projekt­steuerung.

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Shift books installed
Checklists per year
Active users
Objects in the system

Every 10 seconds someone completes a checklist with checkware

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Intuitive interfaces for all end devices

Simplified processes with Finito
Digital signatures

A wide range of Use Cases

Innovative individual solutions and comprehensive solutions.

Work across countries and time zones

Any number of facilities, locations, time zones and clients.

Work across countries and time zones
Freely configurable authorizations

Freely configurable authorizations for operation, management reporting. Collective reports for shift supervisors, operations managers & plant managers.

Synchronization with SAP

Synchronization with SAP. Integration of machine data from any source such as OSIsoft PI.

Synchronization with SAP

Digitization is not a step, but a path

Our platform was created for this journey

Take the first step now:

Ask for a demo today and let us show you the platform.

Voices of our customers

In a very short time, I have an overview of whether there were any abnormalities or changes in the production process or whether something security-relevant has happened. I can react immediately.

Thomas Born, TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH

New Solutions is used to dealing with manufacturing companies. The specialists speak the same language as we do and also know the risks inherent in changes to such systems.

Reinhard Hofmann, TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH

We decided on the program Finito Digital Shift Book from New Solutions GmbH because of the range of functions and the good price-performance ratio. In addition, the solution is intuitive and therefore very easy to use, which we really liked.

Mario Zeilberger, PC Electric GmbH

That a comparatively inexpensive standard product like Finito would be so adaptable and expandable … I was positively surprised.

Thomas Brodschelm, Alzchem Trostberg GmbH

Flexible and scalable for your requirements

Typical use cases

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New Solutions in the News

Software developer wanted! – A healthy company creates new jobs in times of Corona

12. April 2020|

Despite the current, corona-related lock-down in the German economy, New Solutions GmbH, software provider in the MES software sector, is creating new jobs. We are looking for new team members for software development at the Burghausen site. New Solutions is one of those robust, medium-sized companies whose order situation is stable over the long term and who have prepared for crises and emergencies at a very early stage through a detailed emergency plan.

Checkware: Digital checklists for potentially explosive areas (EX protection areas) in industry

15. April 2018|

New Solutions GmbH has expanded its standard checklist program Checkware for use with EX-protected cell phones and tablets. The Industry 4.0-capable application now also optimizes checklist management in potentially explosive areas in refineries or the chemical industry.

Electronic checklists for Industry 4.0: exchange even more data

28. March 2018|

New Solutions GmbH has significantly expanded the possibilities of electronic data exchange with its standard program Checkware: The checklist software can now not only be connected to any data system. Users can also integrate significantly more master data into their electronic checklists than before. In addition: The app version is now also available in the Windows Store.

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